Success The Mental Health Blog

Building Habits & Keeping Them

power of habit

Have you ever tried dieting but given up after a few weeks?

Have you ever tried breaking a bad habit such as smoking, biting your nails or drinking too much coffee and given into temptation pretty quickly?

Ever tried to learn something new (like a language) and failed after a few weeks.

Well the main reason we don’t achieve what we want is down to the habits we create and sustain.

Habits make us, and habits aid our daily growth.

If our daily routine is surrounded by negative habits which aren’t in alignment with the goals we want to achieve we’re never going to get there.

Say your goal is to leave your job and work from home running your own online business. What daily habits are you doing which are in alignment with that goal to make it happen?

Let’s say you want to lose weight and get in shape, what daily habits are you doing which are in alignment with achieving it?

The power of habit is strong, but how do you remove bad habits, create new ones and most importantly stick at them?

All is covered in this video…

Action Steps

1. Write down your list of current bad habits and new habits (which are in alignment with your goals)

2. Now write down the ‘Trigger’ that makes you do the bad habit.

3. Every time that ‘Trigger’ occurs, replace it with a new good habit.

4. Start small and focus on consistency. 10 minutes daily is better than 1 hour a day 3 times a week.

Hopefully you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to comment below and share 🙂

Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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  • 3 Tips to Boost Your Motivation Apr 27,2016 at 7:42 pm

    […] mentioned this before when building habits, start small to gain momentum and this will help you stay […]

  • Jorge Roman Fedetschko Feb 28,2016 at 6:58 pm

    Oi, Paul
    Você tem matéria escrita sobre isso? Não posso entender o que diz no vídeo.

    Hi , Paul
    Do you have an article written about it? I can not understand what it says in the video.

    • Paul McGregor Mar 5,2016 at 2:41 pm

      I’ll create one 🙂

  • Jorge Roman Fedetschko Feb 28,2016 at 6:17 pm

    Oi, Paul
    Gostei muito do que li. Realmente, eu não estava atento para os habitos – bons e ruins – que precisam ser desenvolvidos ou excluidos.
    No que diz respeito ao vídeo, não posso assistir, devido não entender inglês. Se você conhece algum tradutor de voz que eu possa usar, por favor, indique.
    Muito obrigado.
    Tradutor do GOOGLE:
    Hi , Paul
    I liked what I read . Actually, I was not attentive to the habits – good and bad – that need to be developed or excluded.
    Regarding the video, I can not attend because not understand English. If you know any voice translator that I can use , please indicate .
    Thank you.

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