Depression Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

Dealing With Suicide & Depression With Josh Rivedal

joshua rivedal

This is probably the most raw and honest episode I’ve published as I invited Josh Rivedal onto the show to talk about losing his Father to suicide and how he dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts personally.

It’s scary to see how similar our stories are, both losing our Father’s to suicide in 2009 and hitting low points shortly after. Josh is doing some amazing things right now to break the stigma of suicide and to help people overcome mental health issues.

In this episode Josh speaks openly about his story and what he learnt along the way. We also discuss his performing career and how anyone can utilise performance skills to improve their lives.

Who is this episode for?

  • If you know someone who has taken their own life
  • If you struggle with depression andĀ unfulfillment
  • If you struggle with anything related to mental health
  • If you want to make change and grow personally
  • If you feel hopeless and have suicidal thoughts

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Want to find out more about Josh?

Check Out The I’m Possible Project

Check Out Josh’s Personal Site

Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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