Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

If You Live For The Weekend… STOP

waiting for weekend

Do you hate Monday mornings, or count down the days each week looking forward to Friday?

Do you count down the hours on Friday afternoon when you can finally leave, escape and enjoy the weekend?

If you answered yes to the above, your shit is broken.

Why spend your life excited and fulfilled two days of the week (the weekend) and live miserably for the other 5. It doesn’t make sense…

So many men live for the weekend and I wanted to highlight the disadvantages of it and how to overcome it.

Who is this episode for?

  • If you HATE your job
  • If you can’t wait for Friday evening to arrive
  • If you dread waking up early on a Monday morning
  • If you have an obsession with always going on holiday and escaping
  • If you’re miserable throughout the week, but enjoy the weekends

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Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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