Tag Archives: growth

Success The Mental Health Blog Your Thoughts

Become A Better Man Using The 10% Rule

Want to become a better man? I'm sure every man reading this does, but sometimes the approach you take doesn't help. We strive for reward, instant reward, and often when we don't get it we give
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Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

How To Beat Social Anxiety With Josh Morris

social anxiety
Have you ever got nervous in social situations? Ever wanted to stop worrying what people think of you? Well this episode has it all. I sat a good friend of mine down, Josh Morris, and picked his brain
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Success The Mental Health Blog Your Thoughts

My 5 Best Self Help Books

best self help books
I read my first Self Help book 9 years ago. My Dad gave me 'Feel The Fear & Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers. Before that I never really read much... I couldn't get into the Harry Potter books
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