Discover More Ultimate Man Podcast

How To Beat Social Anxiety With Josh Morris

social anxiety

Have you ever got nervous in social situations? Ever wanted to stop worrying what people think of you? Well this episode has it all. I sat a good friend of mine down, Josh Morris, and picked his brains on how he went from struggling to order a coffee in Starbucks to travelling the world, dating more and running a successful online business.

Who is this episode for?

  • If you worry what other people think
  • If you get anxious in social situations
  • If you want to feel more comfortable around people
  • If you’re looking to read more (Josh shares an awesome reading strategy)
  • If you want to become more confident

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Want to find out more about Josh?

Check Out Loving Growth

Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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