Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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  • Mary O Dec 3,2018 at 6:41 am

    Depression is also:

    Treating yourself badly because you don’t deserve happines; spending every weekend in bed and looking forward to Monday because you will be surrounded by living, breathing people; finding it difficult to get out of bed, shower and brush your teeth because that would take effort, let alone getting yourself to the gym or grocery store; ignoring people’s calls or texts because they want to invite themselves over and you haven’t even showered and don’t like entertaining anyway; wanting to go back to sleep because you were dreaming you were in a happy marriage when in reality you never married; having no motivation beyond the minimum requirements of living. Still hoping at age 51 that Mr Right will come along and make all your problems go away. I’ve been doing these for over 30 years; I can come up with many more.

  • Kingston Lim Mar 4,2018 at 9:14 pm

    Thanks for sharing Paul, your right in that we aren’t alone. Even at the most biological sense, we were brought into this world through the union of a man and a woman. No Man is an Island

  • Richard Haro Mar 2,2018 at 12:42 pm

    Hi Paul, thanks for sharing your life experience… I’m happy living in a time when our strength, as men, is no longer measured in silent resolve. So many of us have been depressed at times, without ever the acknowledging and therefore have stayed in that state of mind much longer. Acknowledgment is awareness… and that’s the best way forward. Richard

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