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The Lessons I’ve Learnt As A New Dad (So Far)

You may have missed the announcement…

But on the 18th July at 3:26am my son Teddie was born.

It was an unreal moment, an experience I’ll never forget and one I still find hard to explain today.

It was a crazy 48 hours.

My step son Freddie had his birthday (and house party) on the 17th of July. We had a bouncy castle, a BBQ, school friends and more.

It was a manic but fun day, and people left around 6pm.

An hour later Amy was watching TV upstairs, I was cooking some dinner and then I heard the call.

“My waters have broken”

To cut a long story short, we’d planned for a home birth but had to go into hospital due to lack of midwives on duty.

We arrived around 9pm, everything went well and as mentioned he was born at 3:26am the next day. (We narrowly escaped two birthdays in one day)

But why am I telling you all of this?

I came up with the idea to document the first year of Teddie’s life.

I didn’t want to just share videos of him eating, pooing and sleeping… I wanted to create something meaningful.

First Year Dad is a series of videos that highlight the lessons I’ve learnt from being a Dad.

These lessons will help me, will hopefully help you watching them and I’ll show them to Teddie when he’s older.

Let’s be honest, the first year is one you typically don’t remember. But me creating this video series, not only can he hopefully learn from the lessons he can always look back on the first year of his life.

Here’s the first video I created where I explain all in more detail.

The Lessons So Far

I wanted to create this post highlighting some of the main lessons I’ve learnt so far.

I want to make it clear…

These lessons don’t just relate to being a Dad.

These are lessons you can implement into your life and lessons I’ll continue to implement into mine.


1. The Importance of Friends & Family

How often do you take your family and friends for granted?

I know I have in the past.

When Teddie was born the support we got was incredible.

My Mum and Amy’s parents helped massively, my brother, our close friends…

Everyone was there to help when we needed it.

Without this support it would have made the first few days a lot more difficult than they were.

Choose your support group wisely, invest in them (give) and then when you need help they’ll give back.

2. Choose Your Partner Wisely

I couldn’t have handled the first few weeks without Amy.

She’s changed 90% of nappies, fed him 90% of the time and has already been an amazing Mum to him.

Sure that may make me sound lousy, but it’s only right to give credit when credit is due.

Make sure you’re always working on improving your relationship. Focusing on their needs and their fulfilment will in return fulfil you.

Sharing this experience with her will again make parenting easier, but it’s also going to be massively enjoyable.

Here’s another article on how to have a good relationship.

 3. Mentors/Role Models Are The Key To Success

I’ve spoke about this a few times, but the quickest way to achieving something is to find someone who’s already achieved it to mirror.

If you want to start a business, find someone who’s created a successful business doing something you want to do and get them to show you how.

Learn to surf? Find someone who’s got to the level and beyond what you want to achieve and get them to show you how.

Don’t try and figure everything out for yourself.

This lesson stemmed from Freddie’s attitude to his little brother.

He’s been caring, supportive, and throughout Teddie’s life he will be there as a role model.

He’s going to make our job of parents a lot easier, as he shows Teddie the way.

4. What To Do If You Hate Your Job

7 years ago I made a decision to leave my 9-5 job that I hated.

I started an online retailer called

7 years later, I work the hours I want, I do it from home and most importantly I love my work.

This isn’t bullsh*t.

If I can do it (so can you).

This freedom is something you can’t trade and I’m extremely grateful for the work I do.

Seriously, if you hate your job do something about it.

No one will make it better for you, you need to act and make change.

5. The Art of Giving

Teddie got sent his first gift to try out.

I know, two weeks old and already getting freebies.

Luckily with my job I get sent a lot of free things to review and recommend.

Recently I’ve been pretty ungrateful for this.

The lesson I learnt was when you give you’ll always get.

In business if you give value over and over again you’ll always get business in return.

In a relationship if you give love you’ll always get love.

Stop focusing on what’s in it for you and focus on giving.

6. Prepare Yourself For Life Challenges

Throughout life you’re going to face challenges and adversity.

Some things you’ll face are out of your control but how you react to them is important.

I lost my keys on a small family trip and this sparked a panic.

You’ve probably been there before?

This small challenge (which I overcame) taught me to be prepared for any challenge in life (whether big or small).

Here’s how…


These 6 are a snapshot of some of the lessons I’ve currently shared.

All of the videos can be found here, and subscribing to the channel will allow you to get updated as soon as a new video goes live.

Some lessons are short, some are more detailed.

I hope to see you following as the year goes on?

Signing out…


Paul McGregor
I share my hard times to inspire your good times. Founder of MFM and soon to be published Author.
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